Monday, October 13, 2014

It's fall!

The season of pumpkin spice lattes.  What's with all the hate towards pumpkin spice lattes lately, by the way?  People will find the most mundane things to hate on.

The past few weeks have been stressful.  My cohorts are extremely anxious and stressed at all the workload that's been piled on us.  I am really regretting keeping my part-time hours at my job instead of just working on weekends like I had initially planned.  I just have to work on time management better so I guess this is a good practice of discipline.  

I am very much enjoying my time spent at the school I am placed in.  My partner and I have been crashing after lunch so I started bringing a kettle to school so we can make some coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up.  Our cooperating teacher loves it, too.  

One thing I have gotten out of my experience so far is that teaching math is HARD!  75 minutes is just not enough even when working with small groups.  My partner was a math concentration so she is definitely more patient and on point more than I am.  Me, I'm still thinking like a college student trying to explain advanced concepts to elementary students.  I think they tell me they understand things sometimes just to get rid of me.

We're already halfway through the semester.
8 more weeks to go.
8 more weeks of projects, papers, reflections, reading after reading after reading.


  1. much respect, working + going to school is hard, but i know you can do it.



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